Practice makes perfect

People that know me from way back always ask me how i got into make up or how i got good ( i see myself as someone still learning!) and i just say is practice practice practice. Honestly speaking, I took me a while to get a hang of all those youtube tutorials. While watching I would wonder how would someone spend so much time on one face??

Ohwell, i get it now. Makeup is art, it is fun. Its a hobby but be careful not to allow the hobby take over your confidence or feelings about your outward appearance. Back in the day i would brush my eyebrows and wear lipgloss with my mac studiofix powder. When i say i back in the day I am talking 2yrs back lol. Now i am conscious of my appearance but thank God i am still comfortable with my looks makeup or not

I believe i am who i am with or without makeup. Its not a huge deal. I am blabbing yes? Yes

Ok on the the matter at hand

My girl emem needed me to set her face (lol)  for a church event and as usual i had to do my thing. Usally, i start with brows, then on to the eyes. However, i switched the pocedure to eyes then brows.I found that it made the look cleaner and ama be defo adaptng my process

On her FACE..i used blackup foundation and powder. Blackup is not  a popular brand in canada however it is in Nigeria. Apparently they have a store in
I am sorry but i searched high and low and there ain't no blackup cosmetics in Ottawa. Its an expensive brand though, foundations cost $39-41annd knowing canadian taxes the prices would be higher so lol....its a good thing they are not here yet :)

Here is the website for more information

EYES: was mostly colors from the naked pallete by urban decay. Its byfar the best neutral pallete out there.

Lips: I went neutral with a some light pink to give it some life

Still learning and growing

The song I am loving at the moment!!! Harmony on point. Listen listen listen